
Integrated threat intelligence

Protect your web infrastructure, mobile app or MTA against spam, fraud and attacks. Real-time data from multiple providers. Simple pay-as-you-go pricing: First 1,000 queries per day are free, then $0.001 per query.

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Zetascan at a glance

Integrated threat intelligence

Realtime Protection

Zetascan provides protection for your MTA, web infrastructure or mobile applications from blacklisted, fraudulent, or hijacked IPs and domains.

Multiple data-feeds

Multiple threat API's included into one API. Feeds include Spamhaus, URIBL, DNSWL, Return Path , Seclytics and more. Zetascan provides realtime black-list and white-list metadata.


Blazingly fast performance, built by developers, for developers. Supporting thousands of queries per second, load-balanced, with multi-region support.

On-prem or cloud API

Need to run Zetascan locally for your infrastructure? An on-prem VM is available, allowing you to integrate Zetascan feed's directly on your own network.

A new way to handle integrated Threat Intelligence

One API. Multi data-feeds. Simple to implement.

View our documentation

# Try our API. Copy & run this in your terminal. $ curl https://api.zetascan.com/v2/check/json/baddomain.org?key=YOURAPIKEY { "results": [{ "item":"baddomain.org", "found":true, "score":1, "webscore":0.6, "fromSubnet":false, "sources": ["shDBL","ubGrey","ubGold","ubRed","ubBlack"], "wl":false, "wldata":"", "lastModified":1500972200 }], "executionTime":2, "status":"success" }

"Zetascan allowed our organisation to protect our MTA infrastructure, signup forms and customer portal against malicious IP's and prevent malware and viruses from infecting our users. I love that Zetascan combines multiple threat feeds into one, simple to use API."

Ben Duncan | API Labs founder

Get started today for free

Protect your digital infrastructure with Zetascan's easy to use API.

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